A lot of people don't think that rabbits need their nails/claws trimmed but they do. If their nails are not trimmed regularly they can get caught on something and injure their toe/foot/leg trying to get free or they will rip the nail and possibly damage the quick. The quick is the blood vessel in the nail that feeds it since it is living tissue. That is why if you trim too short it will bleed and can be a pain to get it to stop.
Let me share the tools I use to trim the nails of the rabbits living in our rabbitry and how I do it.
I use scissor type cat claw trimmers since they are smaller and easier to control when working with the rabbits feet. I also keep septic powder on hand in case I do clip too short. I also use a tote container to hold the rabbit making restraining them easier. And treats!
I found that putting the rabbit in the tote before working with them with make it easier to handle them as well as train them that they are going to have their nails trimmed or other health checks done. They will also not have the room to kick and scratch as much. This will save your arms if your buns are kickers like mine.
Once in the tote I place it on a table or in my lap and just lift the foot I want to work on. I only lift as high as I need to see the nails and get the clippers around it.
I clip all four feet if they rabbit will let me before they start getting annoyed. Again the tote training will help them understand that this will happen less often if they just remain calm and let me finish the trim. If they don't let me finish all their feet I will try again the next day and so on until all feet are done or at the least looked at.
Once they are done I give them a small piece of fruit or dried unsweetened unsulphured papaya as a treat to let them associate the nail trimming and the tote as a good thing.
This can be a pretty painless task for you and your rabbit if done every 6 weeks or so. Some rabbit owners will say to check their nails monthly and that is not a bad idea but make sure you trim them as needed! You don't want to end up hurt.
Now I have shared this key chore with you and hope I have helped made this stress free for you and your bun!
Keep your feet dry. Wear your rain boots.
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