Our rabbitry is not a large one. We started with four rabbits- two does and 2 bucks. We kept a doe from the last litter so we now have 3 does and 2 bucks. But I never took the time to introduce them here!
This is our Honey Bun. She is a 3/4 Rex 1/4 New Zealand harlequin coated rabbit. She is the oldest (only by months) and largest rabbit in the rabbitry. She is a total sweetie and loves attention. She snuggles with the kids all the time. Her size makes her a good house bunny with our cats and dogs. She is big enough that they leave her alone. She does stay in her hutch at night and when we have to leave to prevent mingling with the bucks. But then they all spend their time separate from the bucks to prevent unwanted litters.
This chocolate Easter bunny is Miss Bonnie. She is a pure Rex with a chocolate otter coat. She is a tad smaller than Honey but still a good size. No minis here! Bonnie is also friendly and loving. She was our first doe and is a head butter. She will head butt your hand if you are not petting her the way she wants or as fast as she wants. Demanding little lady!
The gray beauty in the foreground is Miss Katie Kat. Sweet loving and quite the cutie! 7/8 Rex 1/8 New Zealand mix. Gorgeous lilac/gray otter type coat that is shorter than a standard New Zealand but not the plush velvet of the Rex.
This handsome boy is Blu Boy. He is Katie's sire and has a oh so soft broken blue Rex coat! He is a total lover boy and has his preference of does- Honey! He likes to visit her when he is roaming out of his hutch and she just hides in her nesting box when he is running around. No, Blu! No unplanned kits.
This is Sterling. He reminds me of a color point cat. His Rex coat is more than lilac than tan like the photo shows. Sweet boy who loves toys and cuddles. He is our unproven buck but he will get his chance soon!
In case anyone is wondering the steel pans in the hutches are litter boxes. Our rabbits are 90% litter box trained making hutch and house cleaning that much easier. I use a pellet type litter under the mesh platform. The mesh is only to keep the buns out of their own waste and getting urine burns on their feet. It helps keep their velveteen coats clean and unstained. More on that later.
For now, keep your feet dry. Wear your rain boots!
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